


A well-respected hospital understood the benefit of engaging with patients and the community via social media. However, they were concerned about the possibility of inappropriate or negative comments posted online could mar their brand image. They didn’t have the internal resources to manage the profiles or monitor their online reputation.


6 Columns created a campaign to organically grow the hospital’s online followers by keeping the content fresh and appealing. 6 Columns also took on the responsibility for monitoring the profiles and other online review sites. A procedure was developed for responding to negative online reviews or comments.


  • Online reviews and comments have been overwhelmingly positive, further boosting the hospital’s reputation.
  • The Facebook page has allowed the hospital to quickly and personally address issues and enhance patients’ experience after they leave the facility.
  • A patient submitted a negative review complaining about a long wait time. Within 1 hour the patient had been contacted via phone to address the complaint. After the call, the patient posted an additional comment thanking the hospital for the quick and sincere apology.
  • A patient sent a private message via the hospital’s Facebook account regarding a billing issue. In less than 2 hours the issue was resolved. The patient sent a follow-up message: “Thank you! Thank you! You have made my day so much better!”